Driving Readiness for Teens

Driving Readiness for Teens

I created a Driving Readiness for Teens program to help serve therapy clients and families many years ago as a part of my specialty OT/educational support clinic called Extra Credit!LLC. The DRT program and my efforts in the field of safe driving with teens received national recognition by NHTSA. The program helps parents and adolescents dealing with mostly "invisible differences" to help know if driving is a realistic potential and how to begin preparing a plan for safe and independent community mobility.

Driving is a realistic goal for teens but should be addressed in a manner most appropriate to the child's unique strengths/weaknesses and learning abilities. Other times, adolescents and/or family members need help to see how driving is an unsafe or unrealistic goal and supported with furthering community mobility independence. Each child and family system is unique, and so the program is the same.

Please contact me directly for options related to current DRT program participation.

Here is a general information flyer Driving Readiness Fact Sheet.